
BAGSZN Money Mug 1.0
The Official Mug (1.0) of
Money Twitter
Sturdy af
Attracts cold hard cash
Pairs well with: Cold shower, eggs, & Gumroad notifications
Sip & See: as your coffee goes down your # of income streams go up

BAGSZN Money Mug 2.0
The Official Mug (2.0) of
Money Twitter
Sturdy(er) af
Attracts dead presidents (mainly "Big Ben")
Pairs well with: 5am alarm, fasting, & iron plates
Sip & See: as your coffee goes down so does your Body Fat %

MNYTWTR Snapback 1.0
The Official Snapback (1.0) of
Twoney Mitter
Shades off da h8erS
Keeps you calm, cool, and collected when ur tweets don't bang
Looks good with: Luscious locks, bathing suit, 10+ chicks
Wait & Watch: Your new hat attracts honeys like Twitter newbs on tweet from a large account
Money Twitter Platitudes
Top 40+ Most Utilized Platitudes (That actually Work... sometimes)
Mindset is everything
Another day another dollar
Happiness is a choice
Don't follow your dreams, follow my Twitter
Failing to plan is planning to fail
You weren't born to be average
Better late than never
Quit your 9-5
Affiliate your way to 100's a day
Fall 7x, get up 8x
Everyone thinks you're crazy until you're at the top
Black coffee or you're a soy boy
Soy boy
Woke up to sex and gumroad notifications
I'm not the best but I'm grinding
Rise and gring
Steak (medium rare or we aren't friends)
"I'm releasing a new Twitter guide"
Breakfast.... lol
You don't need followers to make money
Hustle hustle hustle hustle hustle mindset
Value value value
Who hustled today?
Sleep money hits different
Value thread dropping today
If you want to succeed, fail.
Play the long game
You don't need followers to make money
Hustle hustle hustle hustle hustle mindset
Value value value
Who hustled today?
Sleep money hits different
Value thread dropping today
If you want to succeed, fail.
Give money, very hungry plz sir
Follow Friday: List of 100k accounts
The dreaded tag train: "3 thinks about you & tag 3 accounts"
sAlEs TwEeTs
U mAKe mOneY oN tWeEdeR bIrDy?
Money Twitter
The best meal-plan morph fat into muscle and wifi into money
lol wtf is that


As sinple as that...
What platitudes am i missing?
Click the link below to submit :)
All humorous one-liners are accepted
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